The Winter War has just started. I've done the reconnaissance and have some information to share. I've compiled a collection of some of the most popular and powerful cards so you are prepared when you join the fray. Know what you're getting yourself into!
Paths & Powers

Alliance Command Centre - A go to path for aggressive decks that can empty their hand quickly. It can become difficult to draw from this as the game goes on, but receiving additional Mantles of Authority makes up for this. Mantle itself is incredible powerful and I wouldn't be surprised if ACC ends up with higher splits going second.

Rebel Safe House - A difficult path to make work, but very powerful for decks designed with it in mind. What will we see? Slantstone mill? Spell control?

Bolster - While it might appear underwhelming at first, certain cards can really benefit from a base stat increase. Arclighter is a perfect example. Expect to see this in decks with cheap minions looking for some extra oomph late game.

Exhaust - This is like Infuse for spells and minions, but it can't go face. It works well for decks that have sources of non-combat damage or lots of small minions.

Brittleblast - Cheap, efficient removal when you have access to Fragile. Pair with Field of Poppies or Shadhavar Beast for a big surprise
Arctic Pyre/Knoll of Conquest - Expect to see a lot of these. Minions that can be drawn for free with Rainbow are powerful in their own right and the secondary effects of these enchantments are not to be ignored.
Primeval Son - A canine with comparable stats to Blackened Jotun that generates a free spell. Perhaps there is a deck with Canine Handler and Ved'ma Steelshaper?

Sunken Acolyte - This card is OK, but cards without evasion that require breaching can struggle to find a home. Suffers from Tsekoupiphobia.
Brinebound Believer - The cultist you should really fear. Difficult to block safely and can do a number on your hand if left unchecked.
Vestai Virago - That escalated quickly. Or did it? A tough minion to kill with a powerful attack trigger, but can it find a home? The artifact is created directly and will generate a Forgeling for those playing Fires of Creation.

Thunderbird Egg - It starts slow, but packs a real punch. A card for yellow aggro or meme decks. Tough to kill when played early without the help of Infuse or Erode.
Yara From Arawaka - Cards that draw cards are always a consideration even if it will rarely give you what you want. The Agile + Breach makes pairing makes up for the smaller body.
Golem Hunter Prototype - It has the stats and the abilities, but in an awkward colour pair. It will be a solid card if it can find a home.

Dreni Propagandist - The friend Mothmara never knew they wanted and always the focus of Autocams. A perfect 1-drop for spell focused decks.
Terminal Calculus - Excellent single target removal with potential collateral damage. Double check your work before submitting.
Angelischism - No grifting here. A more restrictive Murmur that may end up being more awkward than people realize. If you are playing against GO expect to see this card.

Kaveh, Khyber Warlord - A must-have for rebel decks. His enchantment transforming ability isn't to be ignored either, but don't let it mess with your combat math!
Xerixan Agitator/Xerxian Insurrectionist - My favourite cards of the set. The created cards are burnable. They enable so many deck building options; they'll be everywhere. But expect the unexpected, single gem cards from BRP could drop from seemingly mono orange lists.
Shackle - Excellent removal for stat-sticks, but almost useless against utility minions. Might make an appearance alongside Dire Benediction and Halcyon Decree in some kind of Orange Purple Mill decks.

Slantstone - Mill is both loved and hated. This card is a win condition and definitely has the power to punish slower decks. You have to ride a fine line to make this card work, but people are definitely going to try.
Sister Spitfire - An excellent card for aggro decks, especially those look for breach triggers, or for forcing through a lot of damage on small minions. Expect to see this alongside Xerxian Sympathizer, Hoarding Hero, and Red Carnival.
Vendomomo - Love the design of this card. It sells something useful for almost every deck, though I expect to see it more controlling lists. If your opponent hits 15 energy you're in deep sheep.
Top 5 Mythics
Everybody loves lists, so here is mine. If you have some essence to spare, I'd take a close look at these.
1. Kaveh, Khyber Warlord
2. Terminal Calculus
3. Angelischism
4. White Tower Warden
5. Vendomomo
Summary Report
These are just some of the highlights. The Winter War is filled with war machines, rebels, outlaws, and cultists. Witches have discovered ways to create spells, and hackers have joined the rebels to wreak havoc on the plans of the unsuspecting. Pick a side and join the fight.