This was one of my favourite moments from Alpha, TuneStar managed to lose his Freki Sidecar somewhere between his hand and the Boneyard. In this puzzle it's just hiding in your deck,
Puzzle Import
To play the puzzle, copy the text below to your clipboard then click the Import button under the Puzzle game mode.
intro: Dude, where's YOUR sidecar?
p1 name: TuneStar
p1 portrait: ariel
p1 mana: 10
p1 life: 17
p1 gems: BBBYYYOOO
p1 burn: true
p1 power: Reconstruct
p1 path: Rainbow's End
p1 artifacts: singing stone
p1 hand: serpent den; demolition speedway; clay effigy;goliath's web;thieves bazaar;xerxian observer
p1 deck: Twin Junah;freki sidecar;
p1 boneyard:
p1 lane 1: ;
p1 lane 2: ;To Heaven and Back
p1 lane 3: ;
p1 lane 4: ;
p1 lane 5: xerxian observer;Serpent Den
p1 lane 6: ;Root of the World
p1 lane 7: Eager Recruit
p2 name: TuneStar
p2 portrait: ariel
p2 mana: 10
p2 life: 3
p2 burn: false
p2 power: Impel
p2 path: Rainbow's End
p2 hand:
p2 deck:
p2 boneyard:
p2 lane 1: Zen archer;
p2 lane 2: ;goliath's web
p2 lane 3: Faceless Construct;
p2 lane 4: lavish proxy;seahaven
p2 lane 5: Faceless Construct;
p2 lane 6: ensnaring serpent;goliath's web
p2 lane 7: Zen archer;Treasury of Petra