The newest patch dropped late last week and to everyone's surprise they added a new colour! Mythgard now has six factions. Purple isn't perfect yet, but the patch did a lot to put it on par with the other factions. Most of the mythics received a buff, which feels great, as previously they were interesting, but not powerful. Now they are both.
What I really like about the patch is that it didn't just give some existing decks upgrades, but opened up some completely new decks. Today I have four decks for you, one tried-and-tested, two potential powerhouses, and one that is Fires of we'll leave it at that.
Purple-Green Necromantic
name: PG Necromantic
path: disk of circadia
power: smite
2 born-again
2 detained
3 raid the tombs
1 bela, witch queen
4 hopeless necromantic
1 shroud of the pit
3 volkov heavy
1 traitorous murmur
1 chort stag
1 iku-turso
2 indrik beast
4 racer in shadow
2 simuzen
4 sword saint
2 hotel barkeep
1 jin-sook, dollmaster
2 spirit away
3 lantern colossus
1 perfect grade
This deck is good. I used to it for the last part of my climb to Champion in the first Beta season. This deck is not an all-in Necromantic deck as it also has a very good Midrange/Control plan. The big minions and Sword Saint give it an excellent game against Aggro while Disk + Born Again make it happy to grind out long games.
Terrgaon, Baku Bogeyman, and Volkov Heavy all make excellent budget substitutions if you don't have access to all the mythics.
OP Enchants
name: OP Enchants
path: rainbow's end
power: impel
4 eager recruit
3 sandscape
1 desertification engine
2 resupply caravan
3 serendipity ifreet
2 soma oasis
1 raziel, keeper of secrets
1 scion of pride
3 mardykhor
1 to heaven and back
1 armageddon angel
1 grandma meng's tea house
4 racer in shadow
3 night market
2 sword saint
2 five spirit gate
2 whitemoon arena
1 jin-sook, dollmaster
2 terragon
1 celestial dragon
This midrange deck is unique in two ways: it doesn't play any spells and it doesn't play Peri at the Gates. While Peri at the Gates is the quintessential midrange card, it does not fit the game plan of this deck which is to take control of the board early, and never let it go.
Five Spirit Gate and To Heaven and Back are excellent grinding tools, while the pair of Resupply Caravans can give surprising burst. The cost reduction enchantments play nicely with Five Spirit Gate and the combination of rush/extra actions can make some powerful plays alongside Whitemoon Arena. Don't forget to stock up on Powerful Ramen for some crazy turns!
This deck has tested really well so far and I think it has true potential.
YP Control
name: YP Control
path: rainbow's end
power: impel
4 maze of iyatiku
4 beimeni falls
3 venomfang mutant
4 meso libre
2 goliath's web
2 misanthropia
1 zolea, the unclean
1 twin blanque
1 twin junah
1 sapo, the devourer
4 racer in shadow
3 night market
2 red cliffs
2 five spirit gate
2 whitemoon arena
1 jin-sook, dollmaster
2 spirit away
1 perfect grade
This deck is running a similar purple enchantment package to the OP list, but is looking to play a longer more controlling game. Five Spirit Gate is used to return and burn the weaker minions into gems(which doesn't clutter the deck) and then to cascade late game bombs.
This is just a starting shell of a list and the deck may want to play some number of Clay Effigy, Sword Saint, or other minion/enchants. There is a lot of flexibility at the top of the curve is well, though it is ideal to have minions of different costs to make the most out of Five Spirit Gate.
BGP Spirit-Fire
name: FoC Fun
path: fires of creation
power: impel
1 brising necklace
1 draupnir band
2 einherjar thane
2 norn datacore
1 bragi runesinger
1 the long winter
2 thunderclap
1 magnus thorsson
1 born-again
2 matryoshka
1 shroud of the pit
3 jaded courtier
4 racer in shadow
2 steam bun
1 corrupt prayer wheel
3 imperative bell
2 sword saint
1 balance
1 nine-tailed vixen
1 jin-sook, dollmaster
1 master of shadows
2 spirit away
2 baku bogeyman
1 daigoju supreme
1 perfect grade
So, this list is 6-1 versus real people. This deck is not THAT good, but it's also surprisingly not that bad either. It has several cool synergies and powerful bombs and manages to get a lot of value out of its one-drops. It's funny watching some decks squirm as you drop and protect an early Jaded Courtier. I wouldn't bring this deck to a tournament, but if you're looking to have a little fun(or cause a little misery) this might be a good choice.
Hopefully these decks give you something to think about. I've seen some cool ideas on ladder and I think there are a lot more ideas still unexplored. If you try any of these, or have been playing anything similar, let me know how it's been going for you.