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New Player Decks


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

So you have finished the story, tried a couple gauntlets, maybe tried a starter deck, or even a feature deck, now what? When you are just starting out, especially if you have yet to invest in the game, everything can feel a bit out of reach. How much to craft a mythic?! I was there too.

The good news is, you don't need mythics. Sure, they will make a lot of decks better, so will rares, but what I have to share today is a bunch of decks that don't need either. These decks aren't just "decks you can make with commons and uncommons", but established decks without the rares and mythics. The first goal was to provide decks that have frequently used cards, so that crafting them doesn't feel like "wasting" essence. And the second goal was to provide an upgrade path to some of the meta decks.

The Decks

  • A couple of the decks due include a story unlocked rare

  • The essence cost is to craft a deck completely from scratch, the (total) assumes you have the rare unlocked in the story

  • The bolded cards are frequently used and should be the priority crafts

Red Rush - 2650 Essence Aggro

This is an extra cheap version of an already very cheap deck. The game plan is simple, play cheap minions, use your rush minions and and spells as removal, and attack until they are dead.

Upgrades: Firesong Prodigy, Wings of Abaddon

name: Red Rush

path: journey of souls

power: infuse

4 ignition

4 ironflesh performer

4 minitaur

1 shadow trapeze

4 strigoi pup

4 daring trapezists

2 strigoi pureblood

3 crimson pact

3 ichor feast

4 ironbelly wyvern

3 panic raider

1 red carnival

3 cyclopean giant

GP Necromantic - 2950 Essence Control/Ramp/Reanimator

This deck wins with fatties. There are three ways to get there:

  • Reanimator: Disk of Circadia/Hopeless Necromantic

  • Ramp: Grinning Kolobok/Night Market

  • Control: slow the game down and play them on curve

Don't forget, Raid the Tombs can clear weak minions from the bottom of your boneyard allowing Hopeless Necromantic to return a bigger minion.

Upgrades: Indrik Beast, Born Again

name: GP Necromantic

path: disk of circadia

power: foresight

3 grinning kolobok

3 detained

4 gallows boy

2 raid the tombs

4 hopeless necromantic

2 led astray

4 volkov heavy

4 little crane girl

3 sword saint

2 muttonmorphosis

2 night market

4 terragon

3 lantern colossus

RO Aggro - 3050 (2550) Essence Aggro/Combo

This often plays like a straight-forward aggro deck similar to Red Rush, with the added benefit of some explosive turns from Red Carnival. Insurance Broker is an all-star in this deck, keeping the hand full. Almost every card in this deck is used elsewhere, so it's a great starting point. I am playing a non-mythic version of this deck.

Upgrades: Peri at the Gates, Wings of Abaddon, Shopworn Bull, Temptation, Xerxian Recruiter, Firesong Prodigy

name: RO Aggro

path: journey of souls

power: infuse

2 ignition

2 ironflesh performer

4 strigoi pup

4 daring trapezists

2 crimson pact

4 ironbelly wyvern

3 panic raider

2 red carnival

2 conviction

4 eager recruit

2 twinfire zealot

3 insurance broker

3 parsa regulars

2 seal of exile

1 tempation

RG Midrange - 3350(2850) Midrange

This deck is one of the toughest on the list for new players as it requires some more game knowledge to pilot correctly. However, when fully upgraded it is one of the top decks. One advantage it does have is that the overall list is very flexible, so there is less need to craft specific cards.

Upgrades: Shopworn Bull, Firesong Prodigy, Extract Life, Bald Mountain(1)

name: RG Midrange

path: turn of seasons

power: infuse

3 ignition

4 strigoi pup

2 daring trapezists

2 calliope muse

2 freki huntress

1 hekate's wheel

2 ichor feast

2 panic raider

2 duskwing angel

1 magmataur

1 overkill

2 wake the bones

3 detained

4 gallows boy

2 raid the tombs

2 led astray

2 avenging alpha

3 gamayun

BY Control - 3500(3000) - Control

This deck is excellent at clogging up the board and making life difficult for your opponent. It can slowly grind your opponent out, or win fairly quickly with large overrun minions. As the deck employs the Rainbow's End path, enchantments should be burned first, and then used to support your units later.

Upgrades: Singing Stone, Ollama Ring, Earthslide, Misanthropia, Thunderclap

name: BY Control - 3500(3000)

path: rainbow's end

power: impel

3 demolition speedway

4 einherjar thane

2 root of the world

3 tailroot wurm

3 blackened jotun

2 giant's stairway

4 maze of iyatiku

3 beimeni falls

3 yahui

4 meso libre

3 serpent den

2 vicious cycle

1 misanthropia

3 bulwark

Now what?

While this is not an exhausted list, there should be something here for every play style. When crafting, focus on the uncommons first they give the most value per essence. Once you find a deck you like, you'll get lost in Mythgard, and you'll find your collection coming together in no time. Don't forget to check out my other deckbuilding articles; they will provide some insight on how these decks were constructed. Go play some Mythgard!


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Cards, card art, images, and flavour text belong to Mythgard, a game by Rhino Games.

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