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Thoughts on Balance

Card balance is always a hotly debated topic and something there will never be consensus on. Everyone wants something different, or if they want the same thing, they want to get there in different ways. Overall I really like the current balance of the game. While there are several cards that I feel could be buffed I am mostly going to eschew discussing those for cards that I feel are more of a problem.

Some of my suggestions below may be my own, some may have originated from other people, and some may have come from the hivemind.

Grinning Kolobok

This is my most disliked card in the game. I wouldn't shed a tear if it was accidentally deleted. I don't think it is too good; I think it is too binary. It's very good or very bad, but never somewhere in the middle. Because the unit has swift, it is also difficult to ignore. I like it when the power level of the cards depends more on how the players use it, or how they play against it, but unfortunately with Kolobok it relies more on when it is drawn, or whether the other player has the card (Daring Trapezist) to punish it.

I really like the idea of swift + gaining energy and then a demise effect, but permanent mana is too powerful. Explore a different option.

Freki Sidecar

This card was mostly ignored throughout Alpha because it was a limited Dashing Ringmaster. Now that Ringmaster has been taken down a notch it's time for this card to get the same treatment. I like the adjacent lane clause, but I dislike the lack of restrictions.

This would be the perfect candidate for a tribal effect: Adjacent Valkyries have rush. This would keep it as an important cog in the Valkyrie decks, but also remove some of the more abusive uses (Angel Loop and BG Necro).

Allfather's Horn

Extra turn effects come in two flavours: broken and not-yet broken. Personally I think I'm still in the not-yet broken camp, but I think there are enough people in the broken camp that it should be changed soon.

A possible change would be to give the minions the Volition treatment. This prevents playing multiple horns in the same turn, or playing horn and then an enchantment to get the enchantment bonus on both attacks.

Shopworn Bull

This is one of my favourite cards. It has a very skill intensive effect that sometimes warranted inclusion in a deck even when it consumed the standard action. Since the effect is now a utility action the card probably needs to be toned down slightly.

I think it should become a 2/4. Also, I would change the ability to be the same as Bragi's. It is weird that bull specifically shuffles the deck.

Shadhavar Beast

This card was buffed to diversify the 3-drops seeing play in Orange. The problem is that this card became too strong. In order to achieve the desired goal the three drops have to be strong in different ways. When different style of decks all want the same card then diversity diminishes.

Changing the card to a 1/4 where minions in the opposing three lanes got -1/-0 would put it in a defensive or controlling roll. This would allow other cards to get the nod in aggressive or midrange decks.


This card is currently terrible. It is too large of a tempo hit for minimal value. In comparison, Raid the Tombs, despite it's additional casting, requirement sees a reasonable amount of play at 2 mana.

Make Brainstorm 2 mana. Kinda. Change it to draw 2 cards, gain 1 temporary mana. This allows for some decent midgame draw without allowing it to be played too early.

Ironbelly Wyvern

There is nothing wrong with this card as it, but currently aggro decks are too reliant on Rush. Somewhat ironically, red based aggro decks don't even play Dashing Ringmaster because most of their good minions have rush anyway.

Change this card to a 3/3 Swift Teleport. This gives red a powerful evasive tool and slightly better board presence. It also is an indirect buff to Terpsichore Muse.

But what about...

Before I touch on a some of the cards I think are fine, but I often see complained about I'd like to make a couple points:

Games with resource systems have a cost point after which anything goes. In Mythgard this is 7CMC. Something would have to be absolutely game breaking for me to want to change something in this cost range.

The most powerful cards in Mythgard tend to be reactive. This is important as it makes them only situationally effective. There are less moments of they have X and I don't have Y, so I lose.

Heaven & Hell

Without a doubt these 5 mana enchantments are incredibly powerful and have the ability to take over a game. However, they are also slow, and large tempo hits when played (often slightly less for Hades as it leaves something on the board). Aggro decks don't care about these cards and control decks with their own engines can go over top of these cards too.

Wonder Drugs

Sometimes this card lets you stabilize against aggro. Sometimes it just delays the inevitable, Sometimes they topdeck this card to put them back in the game. Sometimes you topdeck the rush minion to kill them. I've played both with and against this card extensively and I think it is perfectly fine. I wouldn't hate it if they flattened the effect though.

Sapo, the Devourer and Armageddon Angel

Seven mana and reactionary. Seems fine to me.


Who played all the 4+ health minions? You did? Maybe you shouldn't have done that. Gigantomachia is one of the most popular red mythics and it should always be a consideration when playing against red decks. This card is as powerful as you let it be.

Traitorous Murmur

Another reactionary card that is only as powerful as your let it be. My previous article has several tips on how to limit the effectiveness of this card.

Tipping the scales

Purple is due(coming soon!) for some improvements and I'm excited to see where it takes us. So far I think Rhino has done a very good job at curating a fun and interesting environment where the players have an extraordinary amount of agency. I feel my games are primarily decided not by what cards the players happen to draw, but how they choose to play them. Did I miss a card in need of a change? Maybe, let me know!

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