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Puzzle: Slaying Dignity


Puzzle Import

To play the puzzle, copy the text below to your clipboard then click the Import button under the Puzzle game mode.

intro: A pretty violent puzzle?

p1 portrait:Enyo

p1 mana: 7

p1 life: 1

p1 gems: GGGRRRR

p1 burn: false

p1 power: Impel

p1 path: Journey of Souls

p1 hand: Overkill;amnesia;lamia's kiss;circle of protection;terpischore muse;ved'ma skyranger

p1 deck: born again;blood dolls;

p1 boneyard: panic raider;carny lug;extract life;daring trapezists;

p1 artifacts:

p1 lane 1: Bela, witch queen;red carnival

p1 lane 2: strigoi pup;ruslan's bight;

p1 lane 3: melpomene muse;

p1 lane 4: stray panacea;

p1 lane 5: strigoi purblood;

p1 lane 6: ;

p1 lane 7: Lord Valentine;red carnival

p2 portrait:Magnus

p2 name: Dignity

p2 mana: 4

p2 life: 69


p2 burn: false

p2 power: Foresight

p2 path: Journey of Souls

p2 hand:

p2 deck: ;

p2 boneyard: meso libre;plague maidens;

p2 artifacts:

p2 lane 1: grease monkey;orpheum of horrors

p2 lane 2: ravenous she;field of poppies

p2 lane 3: laser grid;

p2 lane 4: Black Hatter;treasury of petra;

p2 lane 5: serenity seawitch;seahaven;

p2 lane 6: mavka;seahaven;

p2 lane 7: Zolea, the unclean;red cliffs;

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