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Updated: Sep 11, 2019

That's me, and that's how I play. I am a veteran competitive card and board game player. It all started with Chess, where I won a national title for my age level, before eventually getting bored with the game. I've played paper Magic on and off for over 20 years, and played other online CCGs (MTGO, SpiritWars, Card Hunter, Duelyst, and Gwent) for varying lengths of time.

I'm a deck builder and frequent top ladder competitor. You've probably heard the term "old man strength", well I have "old man smarts". I also enjoy writing and teaching, so I figured I'd start this site to share some of my knowledge and expertise, and to help contribute to this amazing new game.

When I'm not gaming, I'm working as a programmer, playing sports, or being a Dad to two young children.

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