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Gauntlet& Arena Picks


In this article we are going to take a bit of a departure from our regular deckbuilding and focus on limited, which so far in Mythgard consists of Gauntlet and Arena. The only difference between those two modes is your opponent(pvp or pve), both feature a series of rounds where you pick 2 of 5 cards. Subsequent picks are colour-skewed based on your initial selections. After 25 rounds for a total of 50 cards, you select a path and a power. These selections are pick 1 of 3.

What does a game look like?

Games are slower, with more of a focus on minion combat. Cheap minions are less important, as are spells that do lower amounts of damage. Cards that are good in constructed might be poor, or less effective in limited, and vice-versa. Tempo is still important, but not as critical, as decks are slower and less likely to curve nicely.

What should a deck look like?

Decks should be very minion heavy--having at least 30 minions is a good goal. The remainder of your picks should focus on cards that either destroy your opponents minions, or help you win combat. Artifacts and Enchantments that give large, permanent, or repeatable stat buffs should be picked highly. Minions with good stats are better than smaller minions with marginal abilities. Limited games are won through minion combat, so make sure your minions can fight! Sometimes the battles turn into a war of attrition, hence why Journey of Souls is so important. Draw spells, even the slower ones, can be very powerful in limited.

Paths & Powers

Journey of Souls is by far the best path in limited due to the focus on minion combat. Turn of Seasons and Disk of Circadia are roughly on par. Disk can draw 1.5 cards a turn with an empty hand and synergizes well with purples items. Turn of Seasons is nothing splashy, but a perfectly serviceable pick. Rainbow's End and Fires of Creation are in general poor choice due to the focus on minions. What about that time you manage to draft 12 enchantments? Rainbow's End certainly won't be one of your choices!

Infuse & Impel are easily on top for the same reason as Journey of Souls. Mend & Reconstruct are in the next tier and depend more on your deck. Reconstruct is more powerful when combined with enchantments, or to curate your boneyard for Journey of Souls, Mend improves as the number of high health minions in your deck increases. Winning combat is very important, and Mend can help achieve that goal. Divination is next. Card filtering is a powerful ability, but not at the cost of 2 mana a turn. Smite? Don't draft smite.

The cards

This is where I give you a nice star rating out of 5 for all the cards, or give you a list of what cards to pick ahead of what other cards. Of course, I'm not actually going to do that. For one, it would take me an absolute ton of time to do, and more important;y, I don't think it is particularly useful, or helpful for players trying to learn limited.

The right card to pick always depends on all the cards you've picked before. You might be better off picking your first copy of a "3-star" card than your fourth copy of a "5-star" card. Limited isn't about picking a bunch of cards and building a deck after, but evaluating what your deck is, or might be, after every pick.

I'm not going to leave you completely hanging though as you most likely just came here to look at lists than read my ramblings.

The first lists below contain commons and uncommons by colour. These are cards I would be happy to play in my deck. I would most likely pick these cards over cards not on the list. The last list contains a bunch of rares and mythics. There are a lot of perfectly playable cards that I left off, but as above I would pick cards on the list over cards not on the list. If nothing else, this should give you an idea of the kinds of cards I am looking for.

name: Blue Picks

1 demolition speedway

1 einherjar thane

1 freki sidecar

1 godsblud transfusion

1 bridgeway troll

1 tailroot wurm

1 timberland troll

1 valkyrie enforcer

1 winter wolf

1 blackened jotun

1 giant's stairway

1 hyperborean

1 volcanic risi

name: Yellow Picks

1 maze of iyatiku

1 yahui

1 cloudscale drake

1 meso libre

1 poxbringer

1 serpent den

1 vicious cycle

1 feathered serpent

1 metzin giant

name: Purple Picks

1 insatient

1 sword saint

1 muttonmorphosis

1 shinobi of wind

1 pushy oni

1 terragon

1 lantern colossus

name: Orange Picks

1 eager recruit

1 insurance broker

1 parsa regulars

1 aimless vessel

1 parsa divinity cannon

1 parsa immortal

1 seal of exile

1 cataphract

1 mardykhor

1 faceless construct

name: Green Picks

1 detained

1 matryoshka

1 raid the tombs

1 synapse overclock

1 led astray

1 volkov pointman

1 avenging alpha

1 gamayun

1 wendish giant

1 volkov heavy

name: Red Picks

1 daring trapezists

1 crimson pact

1 ichor feast

1 ironbelly wyvern

1 ourania muse

1 panic raider

1 cyclopean giant

1 sea fire

1 duskwing angel

1 fire eater

name: Mythics & Rares

1 fossegrim

1 bragi runesinger

1 junkyard valhalla

1 kara mourningwives

1 odinthrone

1 jotun shatterfist

1 magnus thorsson

1 tyr monomund

1 cataclysm

1 triassic kraken

1 helm of conscription

1 gemcutter spider

1 orbital jamming satellite

1 goliath's web

1 model of duality

1 ollama ring

1 bob "banzai" vaquero

1 misanthropia

1 revelation of ximec

1 universal holcan

1 godsbane transport

1 harvester

1 twin blanque

1 twin junah

1 sapo, the devourer

1 tangleskein

1 extract life

1 dashing ringmaster

1 sea lord's trident

1 shopworn bull

1 alacrity

1 temple at delphi

1 the oak of dodona

1 wings of abaddon

1 enyo, murder's muse

1 gigantomachia

1 magmataur

1 melinoe, soul shepherd

1 serapis, false apostle

1 stairway to hades

1 cerberus unchained

1 lord valentine

1 sideshow chimera

1 seven ring ritual

1 born-again

1 academy analyst

1 bela, witch queen

1 leshy greene

1 shroud of the pit

1 zmey hydra

1 sovereign architect

1 sablewing zira

1 traitorous murmur

1 chort stag

1 iku-turso

1 dark passenger

1 spear of destiny

1 xerxian hideout

1 xerxian recruiter

1 peri at the gates

1 raziel, keeper of secrets

1 scion of pride

1 temptation

1 treasury of petra

1 digital golem

1 sandscale wurm

1 solomon's gale

1 to heaven and back

1 kushiel the unforgiving

1 lavish proxy

1 armageddon angel

1 five spirit gate

1 misfortune

1 neo-gangnam

1 rogue vocaloid

1 balance

1 master of shadows

1 nine-tailed vixen

1 pentacle of flavors

1 hungry ghost

1 spirit away

1 celestial dragon

1 jin-sook, dollmaster

1 daigoju supreme

1 perfect grade

1 plague maidens

1 herald of pestilence

1 fated firebird

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Cards, card art, images, and flavour text belong to Mythgard, a game by Rhino Games.

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